The Unending Story Of Low Back Pain

The Unending Story Of Low Back Pain

Acute low back pain is characterized as low back pain which may last up to six weeks. It may be encountered as aching, burning, piercing, sharp or dull, well-defined, or unsure. The severity may range from mild to severe and may shift. The pain may spread into one or both buttocks or even into the thigh/hip region. Low back pain may begin following a vigorous activity or jarring trauma but often is obviously unrelated to a specific exercise. The pain may begin abruptly or develop slowly.

Who Experiences Acute Low Back Pain?

Almost 80% of people experience a notable episode of low back pain at some time in their lives. If a survey is done, at least 15% of people report that they are encountering low back pain. Some think the indication of low back pain may be due to be a part of the personal experience.

The Reason Of Low Back Pain

The exact cause of acute low back pain is often hard to identify. In fact, there are various possible pain generators including muscles, soft connective tissue, ligaments, joint capsules and cartilage, and blood vessels. These muscles may be pulled, strained, stretched or sprained. Even the small tears that occur in the outer layer of the intervertebral disc can induct severe pain. There are instances when the actual tissue damage is insignificant and expected to repair immediately, the pain experienced may be really severe.

No matter which muscle is initially irritated, a rapid of events occurs which adds to the pain occurrence. Numerous chemical substances are released in response to tissue irritation. These substances stimulate the surrounding pain-sensitive nerve fibers, ending in the sensation of pain.

Pain Due To Chemicals And Muscular Tension

There are certain chemicals which might trigger the manner of inflammation, or swelling, which also adds to the pain. The elements associated with this inflammatory method feedback more signs which continue the process of swelling. The inflammation attributable to this sequence of episodes may continue for days to weeks.

There might be muscular tension also termed as muscle spasm in the neighboring tissues which may happen to result in a trunk shift the body tilts to one side more than the other due to muscular imbalance. Moreover, a relative interference or lack of the usual blood quantity to the affected area may happen so that nutrients and oxygen are not optimally dispensed and removal of irritating byproducts of swelling is diminished.

How Long Will An Episode Of Low Back Pain Last?

The good news is that even if the exact cause of pain is not defined, usually the acute pain recedes spontaneously over time. The freshly irritated tissue heals and around fifty percent of episodes almost entirely resolve within two weeks, and 80% by six weeks.

Sadly, the duration and severity of a single incident cannot be foretold based on the onset, location of pain, or even the initial severity. The Agonizing initial pain may settle within several days, while average or mild symptoms may continue for weeks. There are different data which reveals that around 30% of individuals will encounter recurrent pain or develop tenacious pain in the future.

Treatment For Acute Pain

Physical therapy such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, stress, mobilization and chiropractic administration can provide temporary relief but are not shown to improve long term cure. Acute low back pain normally resolves spontaneously and in most cases, as long as movement can be maintained, conventional therapy may not be needed.

If the pain is critical, participation in exercises is impaired, or if motion is significantly limited, a physical therapist or a physiotherapist can provide further education and advice regarding policies for restoring motion, resuming activities, preventing deconditioning and achieving a position of comfort during sleep.


Common causes of low back pain involve lumbar strain, nerve irritation, lumbar radiculopathy, bony encroachment. if you or anyone is undergoing such back pain please consult Dr. Abhishek Mishra the best Orthopedic surgeon in Delhi.