

Advancements in Orthopaedic Surgery for Knee Joints

Latest Advancements in Orthopaedic Surgery for Knee Joints

Orthopaedic Surgery for Knee Joints The medical word for replacing a joint is arthroplasty. During the procedure, your healthcare provider replaces a damaged joint with an artificial joint. The prosthetic joint can be made of durable plastic, metal, or ceramic. Both in look and behavior, the artificial joint is similar to the natural joint. Orthopaedic [...]

Is Knee Replacement Right for You?

Understanding Knee Replacement: Knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure that involvesreplacing damaged or diseased knee joint surfaces with artificial implants. It is typicallyrecommended for individuals experiencing severe knee pain, limited mobility, and significantfunctional impairment due to conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or post-traumaticarthritis. Benefits of Knee Replacement: Pain Relief: Knee [...]

Food to eat before and Post Workout

In the current scenario where our world revolves around a fast-paced work routine and fastfood, it has become very important for us to keep ourselves fit with workouts and healthyeating.Regular exercise and physical activity provide numerous benefits for both physical andmental health. Here are some of the most significant benefits of working out: Improved Physical [...]
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